Sunday 25 December 2011

Christmas sale and at last new stock

The four weeks leading up to Christmas is every retail business' most crucial time of year. Sales soar as people spend their hard earned money on gifts. As we have experienced people desperately refrain from buying for themselves in the preceeding months in order to afford that meaningful present; something they know will be appreciated and remembered. This goodwill I think is commendable, it shows that love does still triumph over materialism.

The Teapot Tree's crucial time of year became The Teapot Tree's most frustrating time of year. We had been invited to the party, due to our hard work in the preceeding months but at the last minute could not attend because the customs officers in Bolivia unintentionally stripped us naked, paralising us from the kneck down. Our orders, due to arrive within three weeks, did not. Three weeks became five, five became nine and we arrived with our bottle of wine as everyone else at the party was sneaking off home with the receptionist.

Our inbox is full of disapointed emails from would-be customers, our storage full of beautiful but forgotten and unloved bags. I have consoled them with cheerful stories of potential future owners. I have tried to instill the virtues of patience but I know deep down they have missed out on that smile; that Christmas grin, as the present is revealed from crisp wrapping paper; that unforgettable surprise smile; that 'thank you for loving me' smile.

This is the story behind 'The Teapot Tree's' first ever sale. It is not a desperate attempt to rid ourselves of unwanted stock; but an attempt to brighten the lives of the unpopular kids who never got invited to the party until it was too late. So don't be fooled by that mind numbing hangover, the most interesting people were never the most popular in school!