Tuesday 2 October 2012

New opportunities, New designs, Same business

As most people are now aware Beara Beara has moved on from chilly mornings in quiet Spitalfields Market towards the shiny shelves of the high-street. Even though we still enjoy the atmosphere of the Sunday markets, the direction of the brand is towards reaching a broader audience. On first glance one might assume that this could be detrimental to the product, diluting the uniqueness, quality and originally of the bags. However, what it actually means is that we can now make more types of bags, continuing to experiment with designs, new cloths, exciting materials, expand our range and actually improve the variety on offer. We are as determined as ever to keep our bags exclusive and now that we have expanded our network of artisans it means we have a wider selection of people to work with and be inspired by. This growth of the business is neither detrimental to the product nor obviously to our suppliers as they continue to employ more people and improve their working conditions.

Beara Beara bags are now available in several shops around the UK and within the next month several online stores as well as on our website of course. We will continue to visit Universities around London and of course the Christmas markets will be great fun. We are always looking for new places to show up for one-off events so if anyone has any suggestions please send us an email.

Our latest order includes new colors of suede; mint, dark red and purple.

New designs such as our much anticipated satchel backpack named the Stefano.

Our full leather backpacks now come in black and promises to become our best seller.

One aspect of the business which has been letting down the image of the brand has been our amateur website. However, over the past month our Josh has been dedicating his life to designing a brand new site due to be launched within the next two weeks. We are all very excited about it with loads of new features, photos and a beautiful clean and proffesional look so keep an eye on our facebook page for the launch date and as ever, your support and feedback is received with much appreciation. 

Saturday 4 August 2012

An interesting month

July has been an interesting month. Festivals with The Secret Emporium have been great. What an amazing atmosphere and fantastic collection of designers under one roof. Secret Garden Party was muddy yet an amazing experience that me and Ines will always remember. Camp Bestival was flooded with sunshine and we did really good trade with the family crowd. Wilderness with Steve will no doubt   be a great laugh and a great opportunity to promote our brand.
July has also seen the brand step up a gear. Beara Beara is now represented by Foundation, an ethical fashion sales and pr agency. http://www.foundation-agency.com/index.php?page=bearabeara
After many meeting with some top buyers we will soon be confirming orders which will see the brand in shops throughout the UK.
The other development is that from Sunday the 5th of August Beara Beara will have a concession/stand within Topshop's flagship store on Oxford Street. This was quite an unexpected development but an amazing opportunity for the business to promote itself through one of the busiest retail units in the UK. Lots more to come over the coming months....

Thursday 21 June 2012

Busy Busy

So now that Beara Beara is off the ground we have been occupying ourselves with our first fashion shoot a few weeks ago and another product shoot just last week. The professionalism of the brand is so imperative for customer confidence that we have committed a lot of time and energy into taking new photos for the website and a catalogue.

Our photographer David Shih was incredibly professional and was a great help as it was our first experience of directing such an event. The models, Georgia, Peter and Amy were also very helpful and patient. Even though we started the day late we got through an huge amount of shots.

We know we can improve a lot on the final results but as with everything we are determined to learn and improve and have fun along the way. Life is boring if you dont strive to learn and improve.


Saturday 5 May 2012

The business is evolving

The journey for the name 'The Teapot Tree' is coming to an end. The business is flourishing but the name will become 'Beara Beara' within the coming month. The reason for this is to move our business towards a stronger and more recognizable style which is both original and extremely good quality while distancing ourselves from inexpensive, mass produced items. Our bags are a statement and we want everyone from teenage girls to business men to feel confident in the brand they so proudly support.

Over the coming month we will be finalizing new high quality labels, leather embossers, professional photographs, seasonal look-books and many more ideas to promote the ever improving business. Our price structure will remain the same for the near future to encourage new customers to purchase a one-of-a-kind bag, however, once our brand is in shops throughout the UK we will have no choice but to re-evaluate in order to grow the business.

We are all incredibly excited about the changes to the business and the improvements to the products and of course are looking forward hugely to gauging the reaction to the new range of bags which will be available within weeks.

Thank you all for supporting us thus far and as always we learn from our customers so would really appreciate any feedback you may have.

Jake Bullough

Thursday 26 April 2012

A glimpse into our latest visit to Bolivia

A wonderful mixed month of laughs and frustrations, old friends and new business opportunities. With endless searches for improved raw materials, hardware, cloth for inner lining etc we are happy that our hard work will show in our new range of bags. Our suppliers patience with our rather perfectionist attitudes was to be admired and their ambition to improve our combined product makes me confident the business will go from strength to strength. We are now planning our first studio shoot within the coming month which will lead onto us releasing the new range in June.