Saturday 5 May 2012

The business is evolving

The journey for the name 'The Teapot Tree' is coming to an end. The business is flourishing but the name will become 'Beara Beara' within the coming month. The reason for this is to move our business towards a stronger and more recognizable style which is both original and extremely good quality while distancing ourselves from inexpensive, mass produced items. Our bags are a statement and we want everyone from teenage girls to business men to feel confident in the brand they so proudly support.

Over the coming month we will be finalizing new high quality labels, leather embossers, professional photographs, seasonal look-books and many more ideas to promote the ever improving business. Our price structure will remain the same for the near future to encourage new customers to purchase a one-of-a-kind bag, however, once our brand is in shops throughout the UK we will have no choice but to re-evaluate in order to grow the business.

We are all incredibly excited about the changes to the business and the improvements to the products and of course are looking forward hugely to gauging the reaction to the new range of bags which will be available within weeks.

Thank you all for supporting us thus far and as always we learn from our customers so would really appreciate any feedback you may have.

Jake Bullough